Víctor Petuya

Welcome to our new President. He is a University Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. He is currently the Chairman of the IFToMM International Technical Committee for Linkages and Mechanical Controls (http://iftomm.net/).
He has been member of the Parents’ Council of his school since 2006, and has been President since 2008. In addition, since 2008 he is the President of FAPAE (Federation of Parent’s Associations of Euskadi). As president of FAPAE, he has frequent meetings and collaborations with the Department of Education of the Basque Government. As the Basque Educational System is very plural, FAPAE is continuously working on developing collaborations with the other Basque federations. One of the projects developed in FAPAE Parents’ Associations has been the implementation of Parents’ Schools in order promote long-life learning of parents in areas related to the education of their children.
Email: victorpetuya@euparents.eu