EPA joined the Social Platform

We are proud to announce that as of 13.05.2014 EPA is a full member of the Social Platform, the largest platform of European rights and value-based NGOs aiming to promote social justice, equality and participatory democracy.
We are proud to announce that as of 13.05.2014 EPA is a full member of the Social Platform, the largest platform of European rights and value-based NGOs aiming to promote social justice, equality and participatory democracy.
By joining the Social Platform EPA became a social partner in European dialogue making it possible for the first time to include the voice of parents in discussion especially about social issues, employment and inclusion – all of them great concerns for responsible parents all over Europe.
Based on Articles 5 and 18 of the UN Convention on the Rigths of the Child – part of the legal system of all EU member states – we are promoting the sole rights, responsibilities and duties of parents in the upbrining and development of their children, the important task of parents in supporting their children in exercising their rights and demanding the support of member states and the EU in the aforementioned parental tasks, including the the setting up of nessary legal frameworks for parental involvement, services for the balance of family and professional life as well as offering training and information for parents.
The strategic objectives of the Social Platform are:
” a) Equality for all: act for the eradication of discrimination and for the realisation of equality, including equality between women and men, in all areas of life
This strategic objective will be supported by the work of members on combating discrimination on all grounds (including social, economic and residency status) and promoting equality, including gender equality, to ensure equality in practice.
b) Strong social protection and welfare systems
This strategic objective will be supported by the work of members on demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of social protection and welfare systems and their centrality to maintaining and securing the European Social Model.
c) Socio-Economic justice: eliminate all forms of socio-economic inequalities
This strategic objective will be supported by the work of members on inequalities in wealth redistribution, on inequalities in the provision of social and health services and services of general interest (such as housing, education, health, transportation) to close the growing gap in European societies.
d) Decent work and quality employment
This strategic objective will be supported by the work of members on the necessity of active inclusion strategies articulated around the need for adequate minimum income, for equality including gender equality on the employment market in relation to access, pay, pension, training and career progression, access to services and appropriate pathways for those who do not have a job, on addressing the growing concerns of working poor and access to quality jobs, and reconciliation between private family and working lives.
e) People centred services for the common good: ensure universal access to quality, affordable and accessible public and social services
This strategic objective will be supported by the work of members on guaranteeing access to affordable and quality public and social services of general interest and ensuring a strong social dimension of the internal market.
f) Participation in decision making: ensure that civil society organisations are involved in decision making processes at EU level
This strategic objective will be supported by the work of members on the issue of partnership between civil society organisations and public authorities in the different policy areas.”
See more at: http://www.socialplatform.org/who-we-are/#sthash.bc9PRtVJ.dpuf