EPA news September 2019

Dear friends and members,
I hope that you’ve all had a wonderful summer and are full of energy for the new schoolyear that has already started in most regions.
Please find our summer newsletter with the links to the report and presentations on our last GA and conference in Kolding following this link. It also holds information about other events that have been attended by members of the board as well as members’ members and the link to our blog. Thank you to all of you who have supported EPA’s advocacy work for more parental involvement on all levels.
This year we are celebrating 30 years of the Convention of the Rights of the Child signed on 20 November 1989 which is the basis of our work. Our joint efforts show that contrary to some movements in Europe in favor of separation the parents’ community is willing and able to strengthen cooperation between stakeholders across borders and make an essential contribution to mutual understanding and lifelong learning to increase the quality of education and hence the quality of life in all countries and for all families.
Come and join us at the upcoming
GA and International Conference on
“The role of education in adopting a healthy lifestyle”
November 7-9 in Vienna
Please find the preliminary program here.
Local participant registration (living in Austria).
International participant registration (not usually living in Austria).
Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna,
kind regards,
Arja Krauchenberg