Democracy is in distress, finds the Council of Europe Secretary General’s annual report for 2021

The Secretary General of the 47-nation Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, has highlighted a “clear and worrying degree of democratic backsliding” in her latest annual report on the state of democracy, human rights and the rule of law across the continent.
Based on the findings of different Council of Europe bodies, including the European Court of Human Rights, the Secretary General’s report assesses recent developments in areas including political institutions and judicial independence, freedom of expression and association, human dignity, anti-discrimination and democratic participation.
The report encourages member states to use existing and future Council of Europe mechanisms to address many of the challenges identified, on the basis of the following key principles:
- National authorities should return to fundamental democratic principles and recommit to Council of Europe legal standards, including the implementation of judgments from the European Court of Human Rights;
- Member states should fully embrace the multilateralism embodied by the Council of Europe for more than 70 years;
- Covidrelated restrictions and measures must not only be necessary and proportionate, but also limited in duration;
- National authorities should embrace democratic culture, recognising where their words, activities or legislation have diminished that culture by reducing civic space, by intimidating or preventing individuals, organisations and NGOs from exercising their freedom of speech or assembly, or by excluding people from participating fully in society.
As EPA is a member of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe, we would like to share with you the full report, which can be read through this Link.