Claudio Masotti

Aivar Haller

Boštjan Bobič Zabreščak

Claudio Masotti
He was born in Carrara (Tuscany) in 1956 and since 1960 has been living in Milano. He is married with Iole and they together raised two children. Chiara is 30 years old and got married in 2015 and she is now living with her husband in Los Angeles. Davide is 28 years old and he lives in Milano with his parents. Claudio joined AGeSC in 1994 as President of the school committee of a primary catholic school.
From 1997 to 2000 he was President of the Institute Council and President of the parents`assembly in a public middle school. After other roles at school and different levels in AGeSC, in 2010 he was nominated and then elected as AGeSC Office Head of Foreign Relations, his current responsibility. Professionally he is a Project Manager at IBM with responsibility at the global organisation level. He has been a volunteer in a Catholic congregation house of charity to assist poor people, immigrants and the homeless since 1990.
He joined EPA in 2010 as AGeSC Office Head of Foreign Relations and was active in organizing the EPA GA in Milano in 2010 and 2018. Since 2010 he has participated in all GA and other EPA meetings and conferences. Claudio has initiated a fantastic collaboration with Apel (France) and a tight relationship with AGE (Italy). Since June 2022, Claudio has been the Ambassador of EPA.

Board member and vice president
Aivar Haller
As an organizational development consultant and mentor, he has helped to build many companies and organizations in thirty years, including support for the establishment and development of several schools. In 2006, Haller was elected a member of the Board of the Estonian Parents’ Association and in 2016 he became its President.
As a mentor and consultant, he has helped business leaders and owners to understand the nature of individual development and collegial leadership. Applying these principles, in 2004 one of his clients (TNT Worldwide Express Estonia) reached the title of Europe’s Best Employer (Survey of Hewitt Associates).
During the last 15 years, he has applied the same systemic approach in several other companies and helped them reach long-term success.

Board member, vice president and secretary
Boštjan Bobič Zabreščak
President of the school Parents Council (2013-2018), Vice-president of the regional Parents Council (2014-2018), Vice-president of the Slovenian Parents Association (2016-2018), Bostjan has gained vast experience in training parents for active participation in school boards and other school related bodies, in working with policy makers on different levels, in collecting good practices and implementing them in new contexts as well as managing projects and cooperating with different stakeholders. Coming from the IT sector (vocational school for engineering) he is very analytical and systematic and used to achieving his goals through collaboration and teamwork.