Newsletter October 2020 – 2

Dear EPA members and friends,
I hope you and your families are well and safe. I am very pleased to share with you the Final Report of the EPA webinar on the Reopening of Schools held on September 11. We hope you enjoyed this first thematic webinar and we kindly ask you to share this report among your members and contacts. You can find it in this LINK. Soon, you will also find it on our new webpage to share it in your social media.
Additionally, we would like to inform you about an event of potential interest for you and your members. As we are now facing the second Covid wave, the European School Heads Association (ESHA) invites you to participate in a 1.5-hour webinar on October 22nd. at 1pm CET. During the webinar, ESHA representatives will elaborate on the current COVID-19 situation in their countries, the precautions that have been taken, and the way forward for their schools. You will also have the option to discuss all COVID-19 related topics with the presenters and participating school leaders. To register in the meeting please use this Registration Link.
Finally, a quick reminder about the IntegratED online event to be held on October 20th from 14.15h to 17.30h CET. During this event, the results of the piloting activities and the different outputs which have been created during the project period will be presented. To register in the meeting please use this Registration Link.
Kind regards,
Victor Petuya
EPA President