Newsletter October 2020 – 1

Dear EPA members and friends,
I hope you and your families are well and safe.
Currently, the EPA Board is working on the preparations of the GAs of November 20 and the webinar of November 21. In the next days, the members will receive the corresponding documents and the registration form. In the meanwhile, I wish to share with you some information that may be interesting for your organisations and members.
As you may know, EPA is partner in the IntegratED EU Project. The main purpose of the project is to strengthen the successful participation of newly arrived third-country national children in education and to contribute to the combatting of discrimination against third-country national children in the educational environment in Greece, Italy & Spain, and the EU in general. You can find further information about the project on its webpage. In the scope of the project activities, I kindly invite you to participate in the online event to be held on October 20 from 14.15h to 17.30h CET. During this event, the results of the piloting activities and the different outputs which have been created during the project period will be presented. We will also refer to the challenges and the opportunities in relation to the pandemic. Please join us if you are interested in how to better integrate third country national children in the education system. To register in the meeting please use this registration Link.
Focusing on increasing the EPA visibility and influence at EU policy level, we have worked together with other partners on a response to the EU Public Consultation on the European Child Guarantee. I am glad to say that our contribution intends to shift the focus to parents to stress their role as primary educators of their children.
Additionally, we have also impacted the response led by the EU Alliance for Investing in Children in order to include the parents perspective in their final document.
During the next weeks, we also intend to contribute to the Public Consultation for the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child (2021-2024). This consultation is open until December 8. We would be very glad to receive your thoughts and priorities or even to support you in the development of your own response.
Finally, I would like to inform you that a Call for Project Proposals for Micro-Grants 2020-2021 has been published. It will be open for proposals until November 11. This call for project proposals will fund projects promoting Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE). Two types of projects will be funded:
Multi-partner project proposals for the dissemination of the results of the previous cycle of the Programme
Single-entity project proposals for the dissemination of the results of the previous cycle of the Programme.
A final reminder about our new domain for the EPA webpage: We kindly ask you to distribute it between your contacts.
Thank you for your continuous support to EPA.
Victor Petuya
EPA President