Newsletter May 2020 – Useful Resources during Covid-19

Dear EPA members,
I hope everyone is doing well in these difficult times. We are sharing with you some interesting resources that may be useful for you and your associates:
In the webpage of our Irish member NPC-P you will find daily Tips for Parents. They are really interesting and useful.
Our partner the ECML in Graz, has established a website with useful material for language learning for pupils (learners), parents and teachers.
COFACE will hold a series of webinars on the topic Digital Citizenship from May 11th to 20th. More information can be found Here. They call them breakfast bytes (from 9:30 – 11:00) and number 6 is actually done by our Croatian member Step-by-Step.
In the UNICEF webpage, you can find also interesting information to share with parents (in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese) and also a Guide for Parents (English only).
Related to this, I am pleased to inform you that we are currently preparing a series of monthly UNICEF-EPA Joint Webinars. We will inform you in the next days and ask for your collaboration.
I hope all this information will be useful for you. Soon, it will be also be available in our webpage. If you are currently developing interesting initiatives, please share them with us.
Finally, I remember you to fill out the survey of the EPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025 if you have not already done so. You can access the survey via this Link. Please, complete it before the END OF MAY.
With best regards,
Victor Petuya
EPA President