How Can We Help?

Appeal of Vienna

on Reform of Final Examinations in Secondary Education

Representatives of parents’ organisations, teachers and students as well
as of ministries and universities from German speaking European
countries joined a conference in Vienna to develop concepts appropriate
for the European Educational Area.

We agree, that
• Final examinations in secondary education (German: Matura, Abitur,
Maturitätsprüfung) have to certify the absolvent’s universal
competences for entering the European Educational Area and
• Our children have to be able to prove themselves in higher education
and employment without restriction all over Europe.
We are aware that these goals cannot be reached under the actual
National regulations for the final examinations have to be further
developed and improved aiming on common target criteria so that the
examination certificate is finally accepted by every European university as
a reliable admission qualification.
For the purpose of a good educational partnership parents, students and
teachers must be involved obligatorily on all levels of decision processes
and quality management in European education.
The future of our children determines Europe’s future!

Vienna, October 18th, 2008

European Parents’ Association
Österreichische Elternvereinigungen
Landeselternvereinigung der Gymnasien in Bayern
Katholische Elternschaft Deutschlands
Fédération des associations de parent d’élèves du Luxembourg