Save The Date for the LLLAB, 30-31 May 2022
The Lifelong Learning Platform is delighted to present its 2022 version of this pilot activity, the Lifelong Learning Lab – National Training for Education Stakeholders. With this format, LLLP seeks to keep the momentum of EU cooperation to assess EU citizens’ capacity to participate in policy-making, suggest solutions and break silos in the education sectors. Further to this, and following the policy recommendation in its Feasibility study, LLLP would also like to explore the possibilities for national lifelong learning platforms.
The goals will be pursued through a new two-day event during which LLLP will take participants through a wide range of topics, spacing from EU cooperation in education and training, to EU decision-making processes, and from civil society engagement to national contexts. In 2022, and under the patronage of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, LLLP will bring this laboratory to Nice, France where we will be discussing “Lifelong learning entitlements for the future of Europe”. Save the date for May 30-31 2022, where education stakeholders from European and French contexts will come together to stir the new generation of cooperation in education and training.
Read more here.