Media Literacy for Parents: Webinar
EPA would like to invite you all to the Final Webinar of our Media Literacy for Parents project that will take place on Friday, 18 March 2022, from 17:30 – 19:30 CET. You can find the invitation HERE.
We will have Prof. Sonia Livingstone from the London School of Economics and author of the Kids Online study for a keynote address. Additionally, we will present the results of the MeLi4parents project: the training program for parents through a short demonstration of a topic chosen by participants, the WebApp with more than 400 tips and activities for parents and families and the Guide for Parents – a handbook available in six languages as all the other outputs. Finally, there will be a panel discussion with representatives from the EU Commission and other institutions and you will be able to ask questions and send comments via the chat function.
Please register at this LINK.
More info on the project can be found on their website HERE and you can follow the project on Facebook: @meliforparents