Workshop: Lifelong and Lifewide Learning for a Just Green Transistion
EPA is one of the keynote speakers, along with Volonteurope and SOLIDAR Foundation, at the second workshop of the 2021 Flagship Conference organised by Social Platform in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security in the framework of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Building on the actions of the European Union to date and specifically on the European Education Area and the European Skills Agenda, this workshop will focus on how, together, we build economic and social policies which ensure a just, inclusive, and sustainable European society in which no one is left behind. The workshop speakers and the debate will cover a range of relevant areas including, but not limited to:
- The need to upskill and build on digital skills;
- Lifelong learning for sustainable development and global citizenship, going beyond the immediate needs of the labour market and economic growth;
- Validating skills gained from social action and volunteering;
- Micro-credentials and non-formal/informal learning;
- Taking account of the learners’ perspectives, especially young people with fewer opportunities and furthest from the labour market.
Keynote speakers will alternate with interactive discussion panels to address education policies, lifelong learning and skills for the future.
Please find a link to a promotional video here.
In order to attend, please register before Monday 3rd May 12 noon using this link.