EPA Special General Assembly
Dear EPA members,
Due to the situation caused by the COVID19 in many countries, the Board of EPA has decided to CANCEL the Special GA of Monday 16th in Brussels and the Chania GA & Conference April 26-28.
Things are changing very quickly day by day. We have been in continuous contact with PUC (local partner) and SIRIUS (co-organiser of the Joint Conference) and we all think that it is the right decision. We have been also informed that the EC has decided that all non-essential staff of Commission will work from home for the next 2 weeks. In EPA we think that we all must collaborate to contain the spread of the virus.
As soon as we see that the situation is safer and more stable, we will inform you in due advance of the new dates for both GAs.
I apologise for any inconvenience this situation can cause you but we are living difficult moments. Please take care of your families.
With best regards,
Victor Petuya
EPA President
+43 6507004448