EPA General Assembly and Conference
The next EPA General Assembly and conference will be hosted by our member Apel Nationale in Lyon, France in June 2022. The conference is aligned with the topic of the Year 2022`Improving the wellbeing of pupils, teachers and families`.
The GA will be held at on June 10, 2022 at 15:00 CET in Lyon. The venue of the GA is the Ensemble Scolaire Aux Lazaristes – La Salle – Site Saint Jean (3 Place Saint Jean, 69005 – Lyon, France).
You can find the Preliminary Program of the Coference here.
To register for the GA and Conference, please use this link.
If you have any questions about the General Assembly or Conference registration, we will be happy to assist you at office@europarents.eu
Please note, the country´s Covid entry requirements mean that you need to be fully vaccinated to attend this event. More information ccan be found Here.