EPA General Assembly
The Board of Directors invites all EPA members to attend the General Assembly to be held on November 12th 2021 in Vilnius (Lithuania) at 15:00h (Lithuanian time). The location of the General Assembly is the Presidential Palace (S. Daukanto a. 3, Vilnius 01122, Lithuania).
On Friday morning we will visit two schools and after lunch, we will visit the Centre of Civil Education at the Presidential Palace. After the official opening at 14.30h, the EPA members will meet for the General Assembly. In the evening, we will have the Gala Dinner. The full program can be found following this link: EPA GA Program Nov 2021
On Saturday, from 9:30h to 18:00h we will hold the Conference at the National Agency of Education. The conference is aligned with the Topic of the Year 2021 “Creative parents, a resource for the future of education”. After the conference, we will have an optional dinner for those of you who wish to join.
During the General Assembly, elections will be held for two open seats on the Board. Find in these links the CALL FOR CANDIDATES NOVEMBER 2021 and the CANDIDATE FORM. The form should be sent to president@europarents.eu before October 10th.
Presently, we will send out the registration form (with the accommodation details), agenda and documents for the General Assembly and the Conference. In the meantime, we kindly ask you to save the date and start planning your trip.