
EPA is using all means and opportunities to raise the voice of parents vis-á-vis European institutions, such as the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. We work together with other NGOs on European level to deliver our messages more effectively.

At the same time we are sharing European information, trends and news with our members and European parents in general as well as providing opportunities for parents to share their experiences and concerns with parents from other parts of Europe.

EPA`s main activities include:

– minimum two conferences annually – find more information under Upcoming Events.

– publication of a monthly newsletter with internal news and interesting articles for parents in Europe – subscribe to the newsletter Here.

– sharing information from our members and partners as well as reports of EPA conferences and reports of our board membes about their activities.

We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter account.

For more information about the projects that we are involved in, please follow this Link.

For more information about where else EPA is represented, please follow this Link.